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The following resources are provided for teachers to use in their classrooms with students. Their purpose is to complement theory by providing creative, project-based activities that provide an alternative to traditional teacher focused learning such as rote learning. The resources are engaging and have proven to be a lot of fun for students as they create opportunities for rich multi-sensory learning through the arts. They require minimal materials, making them ideal for resource-limited settings.


Lesson Plans

This sequence of lesson plans include step-by-step instructions and examples, enabling teachers to explore activities and techniques with students. Created for the Artist in Residence Education Program at Paro College of Education, Royal University of Bhutan. They feature the program's logo and images of Bachelor of Education Students (Primary) who I taught as part of my residency in Bhutan. so they learnt how to deliver them in their own classrooms. The lesson plans are also available in various literacy units at the University of New England, NSW, Australia.


I have delivered these lessons in Bhutan and various primary and high schools in NSW, Australia, receiving excellent feedback from both teachers and students who found them unique, engaging and a creative and fun way to deepen learning.

Lesson 1 - Understanding the Role of Illustrators


Lesson 2 - Creating Characters 

Lesson 3 - Exploring Genre and Story Development

Lesson 4 - Creating a Picture Book

Lesson 5 - Mask Making and Performance

Lesson 6 - Expanding Stories and Learning Through Games

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